Kingston Hypnotherapy

  • Hypnosis for Sleep

    Sleep problems can include trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or receiving adequate sleep. 

    Sleep is involuntary. 

    Sleeping should be natural, easy and effortless. And yet for you, it isn’t. Why? The more you try to think about sleeping, the more you try to force it, the worse the problem seems to get because for some reason your subconscious doesn’t want you to sleep.

    To overcome this sometimes avoiding certain “triggers” to prevent the sleep problem occurring (e.g., no caffeine or alcohol) may work or using direct hypnosis suggestion to override the response, or pattern interupt techniques.

    If it is more persistent then there may be an underlying cause that needs to be addressed. If there is no longer any cause, there can be no effect.

    Hypnotherapy can help to resolve and correct the true cause of your sleep problem - along with any expectation that you won’t be able to sleep.

  • Hypnosis for Habits

    Hypnotherapy can be very effective in reprogramming unwanted habits.  

    Hypnosis for Drinking Less 

    • Help you become very aware of the  circumstances where you are drinking.

    • Make you consciously aware of your  drinking habits.

    • Help you take responsibility for your drinking, and easily follow a plan for reduction.

    Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

    Hypnosis has been recognised by many studies as the most effective way of stopping. (New Scientist, issue 1845, 31October 1992, p6).

    Kingston Hypnotherapy's technique is interactive and beyond pure suggestion, combining a hypnotic trance, NLP and parts therapy. When you began smoking, all the parts of your mind were working together but now it is as if some of them have realised the harm smoking is doing to you but other parts have not caught up yet! The subconscious is persuaded to reprogram these "parts" because smoking is no longer beneficial.

    It is a two session protocol.

    (Hypnotherapy more effective that nicotine replacement

  • Hypnosis for Actors

    I was a professional actress/musician for over 15 years before becoming a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. Whilst on tour, I discovered a self-hypnosis book that enabled me to choose my optimum state before going on stage. I was so impressed that I enrolled on a hypnotherapy course and developed techniques for stage fright, memory and other psychological problems affecting performers. I have a BA Hons in Drama and Music and a Masters Degree in Psychotherapy and regularly work with actors, singers and musicians. 

    Hypnosis for Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety

    Hypnosis can be used to anchor your optimum state whenever it's needed at an audition or for a performance. 

    Creating Characters and Accessing Emotions

    Hypnosis for actors can help you get in touch with your creativity and imagination. You can float above your character's timeline and drop down into important events in their lives and see them through the character's eyes.

    Hypnosis for Learning Lines

    Learn how to get into the optimum state for learning, remove any self-limiting beliefs and home in on the key words in the script.

    Taming the Inner Critic

    Learn how to tame your inner critic and allow your creative part to take centre stage.


  • Hypnosis for PTSD/Trauma

    Traumatic events can be very difficult to come to terms with, but confronting your feelings and seeking professional help is often the only way of effectively treating PTSD.  It is possible for PTSD to be successfully treated many years after the traumatic event occurred, which means it is never too late to seek help.

    The aim of hypnotherapy is to unlock stored emotion using the trance state so that the trauma can be revisited and processed while exploring it from a different perspective.

  • Hypnosis for a Broken Heart

    This is a protocol combining hypnosis and NLP that will help you to:

    Accept your situation.

    Forgive yourself and others for any wrongdoing where appropriate.

    Release and let go of the shock, anger, guilt, grief, disbelief, depression and self torture.

    Cut the emotional and physical cords that used to bind you to the other person.

    Elevate and restore self confidence and self esteem.

    Move on and find love again. 

  • Hypnosis for Depression

    Over the years I have used various methods from NLP, hypnotherapy, bi lateral stimulation and an understanding of unmet needs to help those with depression begin to move forward with their lives.

    I can teach you how to change the strategy that you are currently using to try and solve your depression, release 
    stuck emotions such as regret, remorse, guilt and shame which are often the major issues with depression.

    I can help you direct your focus from the past and start planning for a successful future.

    You will discover why unmet needs are often at the heart of depression. 

  • "Having struggled with chronic sleep problems for many years, I consulted Nicola and by following the methods she gave me, the problem completely alleviated itself within days."

    Adrian S

  • Maybe you want to launch a business

    Quote Source

  • Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more

    Quote Source

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote Source