Stress Management
Stress is a build up of internal pressure that is generated by the world outside that causes us to feel 'under threat'. When we feel there is a danger to us we feel under pressure and undergo rapid physiological changes in the amygdala or 'old brain'. We are wired for fight or flight. When the danger has passed we should return to our original physical and mental balance.
Sometimes however, there is exhaustion when the threat is of greater intensity and duration than was expected. The person cannot cope, and either physical and/or mental health deteriorates. Symptoms of "burn out" then manifest themselves.
CBT For Stress Management
Therapy is focused on reducing the symptoms which can include axiety, depression, loss of control and insomnia etc. Also teaching coping techniques such as breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation, problem solving skills and mindfulness. The client learns how to pace themselves and recuperate between challenges. Standard CBT is used to identify negative thoughts, beliefs and unhelpful behaviours and to create healthier patterns resulting in both mood and behaviour change.